Monday, February 18, 2008

Good Weekend, but Sad Day!

David and I started our 3 day weekend by visiting the Oakland Zoo on Saturday. The zoo had a really nice children's area and the weather was perfect! (I have a hard time remembering that summer is still a ways off.) It took us less than 3 hours to see every exhibit. We happened to be at the elephant exhibit just 10 minutes prior to their feeding, so we decided to wait & watch. It turned out to be very uneventful as the zoo keepers came out to throw diced carrots on the ground everywhere! These elephants must be overfed, because they did not care that new food was coming out. (How ghetto is this: At the ring tailed lemur exhibit there was this family who's kids threw cheetos into the pen! And the mom didn't even care, if that had been my child I would have been mortified. Good thing the lemurs didn't like the cheetos after tasting them.)
Sunday afternoon we explored a town called San Ramon that is approximately 20 miles from our current apartment. Driving around the town we came across many new housing developments and were curious enough to take a tour of the model homes. The homes were all beautiful but my favorite house was this one. (A girl can dream right?) After seeing all these spacious homes I was very anxious to find a way out of our teeny apartment. I spent a large portion of my weekend looking for houses on the internet to come to the conclusion: We can't afford anything in California right now!

And this evening, David and I were headed out of our apartment building to meet his parents for dinner. As we exit the securtiy gate of our apartment complex there's a large concrete stairway. I don't know how it all started but I must not have been paying attention or trying to hold too much stuff on the way out to the car. On the first step... I tripped and began thinking, "This is gonna hurt". Luckily I was able to keep all things in my arms and save myself by grabbinh onto the metal railing. But in the act of saving myself, my favorite shoes are ruined. Sad Day!


The Mothership said...

Oh that is sad! I'm sorry about your shoes! It looks like you had a fun weekend - crazy about the cheetos thing at the zoo. I would have been mortified too if my children were doing that. I feel bad sometimes for animals at the zoo. :(

Ben said...

The poor shoes. And your favorite ones. Guess it's time to start looking for another pair! :) I like the house plan too. I think it's good to dream about stuff like that. That way when you actually get to the 'house' point, you know what you want.

Kari said...

Dang, I'm jealous you got to go to the Zoo, I have been really wanting to go lately, but it's too cold here! That stinks about your shoes, like Shaunie said, time to go shopping! p.s. Also very lucky you got a 3 day weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought that whole shoe thing only happened in the movies. Sad? No, no, tragic! Your favorite pair of shoes? Whaaaa!

Our kids love the zoo! Can't wait for summer!